Saturday, May 1, 2010

Scooby Doo rulz

Scooby Doo rules the Cartoon Universe. And you know, I'm not sure why Scooby Doo rules. He just does, and everybody thinks so. 

Saturday mornings were all about Scooby Doo and Cocoa Puffs and my footed PJs. We only had one TV in the house, and I can imagine my parents didn't like Saturday mornings much, what with us sugar-hyped kids up at 6 am and dorky cartoons on the TV.

The picture above is of one of my Favorite Things: the Scooby Doo ceramic thingy my mom made (made!) in ceramics class in 1975. (Ceramics were big in the 70s, but that's a whole 'nother post.)

Scooby Doo debuted in 1969 and still airs in syndication. For more details on Scooby's evolution, visit  Or just listen to the theme song.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, How can a person not like Scooby Doo? Great, now I want a Scooby Snack!!


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