Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Not dearly departed: flocked wallpaper

Those crazy kids at Retro Renovation were praising mid-century wallpaper this week. (Just kidding about the "crazy kids" thing. I love them, even if I don't always share their tastes.)  Which got me to thinking about the truly hideous wallpaper in the 60s rambler I grew up in. I remember helping my parents pull off little tiny bits of a dark olive green flocked wallpaper on what would be my baby brother's bedroom. And by "flocked," I mean a raised felt-y pattern. I think it was only on one wall, an "accent wall, " if you will.

The wallpaper was awful. Just...awful. Even the LBHG doesn't like everything from the 70s.

Click here for more 70s wallpaper ideas. If you must.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back-to-school bags: old skool backpacks

Every year around Labor Day, I was excited to get a new plasticy vinyl bag to start school. Below is one I managed to save. The little girl with the flowers in her hair is just too cute. Would this qualify as ephemera, even if it's not really paper? I can't imagine many of these survived 35 years--I couldn't find any on ebay or anywhere else on the 'net. Anyone find any?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lesson: fail. But the book was great

You know how parents like to give you lessons disguised as things you actually like? I think that was the point of this book, which I read over and over and memorized. I can still recite some of the lines today.

Being neat and tidy has never been my thing (except for the canopy bed; see below for details.) This book didn't help.

How cool and 70s-esque are the colors and artwork?

And so goes the fusty dusty musty mess she made of her nice pink room.