Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Blip, blip, ohhhhhh BLIP!

So high tech. So groovy. So exciting.

I mean, look how the red LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (?) flits enticingly across the black screen. What fun to guess where it will land---1, 2, or 3---and send it back to your opponent!

Yes, I had one of these. High-tech for its time and now available for $30 on ebay. Blip, presented now for your memories.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bing bong bang is Boomerang!

First, can they possibly sing this in a higher key? Dogs listen to this and go deaf.

Second, Marni Nixon, the host, really was in the movie version of The Sound of Music. She was one of the trilling nuns vexed by a problem like Maria. I think she was the nun who reminded everyone that Maria was a lamb!  Her voice was lovely, even in a kid's show. (And I love The Sound of Music, so quit smirking. Oh wait: if you were a smirker, you'd have given up on me long ago.)

Back to Boomerang, the kids' show of the 70s which featured...um...singing and lessons and kids playing. Apparently. I don't remember much more than the song! Please post and let me know if you remember more. I couldn't even really find clips of this one. I'm told it was local to Seattle?