Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Not dearly departed: flocked wallpaper

Those crazy kids at Retro Renovation were praising mid-century wallpaper this week. (Just kidding about the "crazy kids" thing. I love them, even if I don't always share their tastes.)  Which got me to thinking about the truly hideous wallpaper in the 60s rambler I grew up in. I remember helping my parents pull off little tiny bits of a dark olive green flocked wallpaper on what would be my baby brother's bedroom. And by "flocked," I mean a raised felt-y pattern. I think it was only on one wall, an "accent wall, " if you will.

The wallpaper was awful. Just...awful. Even the LBHG doesn't like everything from the 70s.

Click here for more 70s wallpaper ideas. If you must.

1 comment:

  1. Hey...I still like some of those patterns:)


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