Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The doll that grows breasts. Really.

My Growing Up Skipper doll grows breasts.  Really.

If you rotate her left arm all the way around, tiny breasts pop out and her torso lengthens about a half inch. Rotate her arm the other way, and her breasts disappear and her body gets smaller again. At the time I got her, I remember being excited about her because she was "two dolls in one!"  I don't remember any enlightenment about the wonders of growing up or becoming a woman, though I imagine that was the intent.

Apparently, this version of Skipper was somewhat controversial at the time. Can you imagine the howling that would ensue if this were sold today, though? I imagine conservatives and the helicopter parents would be horrified.

Just for the record, she's the size of a Barbie and her breasts don't get any bigger than pencil erasers. In other words, she's not life-size. Sorry to disappoint.

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