Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dearly departed : Big Bob's Pipe Dream in Burien

Seattle readers will probably remember Big Bob’s Pipe Dream, but if you grew up in the 70s, you might have had a similar restaurant in your neighborhood, too. Eating at Big Bob's was a huge deal for us kids. I remember a few kid birthday parties there…maybe some Bluebird events as well.

Now Bison Creek Pizza in Burien, Big Bob’s was cavernously huge, with several levels of seating. And the organ itself just seemed to surround you with its many pieces and huge sound. And didn’t it literally surround you? Does anyone else remember there being parts of the organ installed on the side walls as well? I remember looking over my shoulder and seeing musical instruments move. This could have been a dream, though. I was high on pizza and root beer at the time.

I don’t think there are many Wurlitzer organs left, except for those in churches. I imagine Chuck E. Cheese has replaced Pizza & Pipes in the pizza-and-entertainment-for-kids category. Pity, that.

The Puget Sound Theater Organ Society has a great piece on this 70s Seattle/Burien institution, including pictures and an old newspaper ad. The organ at Big Bob’s was a 1918 Wurlitzer originally located at Seattle’s Coliseum Theater at 5th and Pike.


  1. Oh gosh... I just found this from a web search. How amazing, it puts a lump in my throat. "Big Bob" was my dad - Bob Koons. I'm so glad someone has happy memories of the place all these years later :)

  2. Thank you for reaching out, AmyKB. And most of all, thanks to your family for the wonderful memories!


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